NASSCO’s committed and highly active Board of Directors is comprised of industry leaders who represent contractors, consulting engineers and the manufacturers and suppliers of the equipment and materials used in trenchless technologies. Elected by NASSCO members, Board appointees also include an advocate from the public agency sector to ensure all segments of the industry are represented well. Board terms are purposely staggered to provide continuity and seamless integration of new Board members as they are nominated each year by their peers.
Jeremy WagnerNASSCO President
Randy BelangerVice President
Tad PowellSecretary/Treasurer
Max GowdyNASSCO Past President
Board Members
Michelle BeasonMember at Large
Brendan DoyleMember at Large
Eric HaenleinMember at Large
John ManijakMember at Large

NASSCO is more than PACP® and ITCP® certification. It is also supplemental learning and Exchange events that help you stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends
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From published reports to specification guidelines, NASSCO’s continually growing library of technical resources is the foundation for setting quality industry standards.
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NASSCO speaks for its members through appeals to congressional leaders to support infrastructure funding by protecting trenchless technologies, and so much more.
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