PACP | LACP | MACP: Recertification

System owners rely on the data collected by PACP® certified professionals to be accurately coded in order to make important decisions regarding their maintenance and rehabilitation plans.  This is why it’s essential that those professionals become recertified on a regular basis, either online or in a classroom.


Search for a currently scheduled class that suits your schedule, whether it be in person or virtual.


Can’t find a currently scheduled class that works for you? Contact a trainer in your area to request training.


Search for an individual and verify his or her certification.


Register for recertification before your certificate expires!


Certification is valid for 3 years from the date of issuance.  All certifications, PACP | LACP | MACP, follow the expiration date of PACP regardless of when they were obtained.  In order to maintain certification, all certified individuals are required to recertify prior to their expiration date.


If your certification has expired, you will be required to attend an initial certification session as a new student.


There are a few options when recertifying. You may choose the best option for you:

Online with a self-paced course.

In a trainer-led session (virtual or in-person).

  • Search the course catalog and register for the session of your choice.



All recertifying individuals will get a new manual with the purchase of a recertification course.



If you are due for recertification, a manual will be provided with your purchase of a recertification course.  If you are in need of a new manual at another time, you may purchase a replacement manual which will ensure your manual is up-to-date.  Email for assistance.


Yes, by attending a 2-day Recertification Course that includes PACP, LACP and MACP.  You may also choose to attend an initial , 3-day PACP, LACP and MACP Course.



NASSCO offers a limited number of discounts to NASSCO members for self-paced, online recertification courses and any public, trainer-led recertification courses in the catalog. As long as you are an employee of an active member company you may qualify for a discount.  Contact your primary representative for more information or email for assistance.

Recertification price does not include state or local sales tax. Course fees include a manual, which will be shipped upon payment and completed enrollment.

  • 2-Day Trainer-led PACP | LACP | MACP Recertification: $775
  • Online PACP | LACP | MACP Recertification: $775
  • 3-Day Trainer-led PACP | LACP | MACP Initial Certification*:  $1,240
  • 1-Day Trainer-led PACP Recertification:  $775
  • Online PACP Recertification: $775 
  • 2-Day Trainer-led PACP Initial Certification*:  $1,240

*You may choose to attend an initial certification session to meet your recertification requirements.

Click here to view the Cancellation, Refund and Transfer Policies.


Online recertification is a self-paced program that can be completed over 60 days. Virtual recertification is a trainer-led course using a video classroom.

*NOTE – All recertifications must be completed prior to certificate expiration.


Yes.  NASSCO offers CEUs through the University of Texas, Arlington.  We also offer CEUs through an ever-growing list of states including:  Alaska, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Rhode Island, Tennessee and more!


Credits through the University of Texas, Arlington can be requested upon enrollment for a session.  If you require credit after the fact or would like to request state credits (extra fees apply), you may request them up to 12 months after course completion by filling out the CEU Request Form.


Credits provided through the University of Texas Arlington

  • Online PACP Recertification (0.8 CEU/8 PDH)
  • 1-Day PACP Recertification (0.8 CEU/8 PDH)
  • 2-Day PACP Recertification (1.7 CEU/17 PDH)
  • MACP Re-Cert (0.45 CEU/4.5 PDH)
  • LACP Re-Cert (0.35 CEU/3.5 PDH)


Credits provided through individual states?    Email to inquire.