add_action( 'acf/init', 'set_acf_settings' ); function set_acf_settings() { acf_update_setting( 'enable_shortcode', true ); }

Want to schedule a PACP|LACP|MACP, ITCP-CIPP or Manhole Rehab class of your own?  Click here to inquire!

Pipeline, February 2025, Winter Issue

In the Know – CCTV Contract Administration

A Construction Observers Guide: From Manhole Rehabilitation to Project Management Insights

Best Practice of Injection Grouting in Municipal Sewers

Supporting OSHA During Site Inspections


An Introduction to Pigging and its Benefits.

Pipeline, November 2024, Fall Issue

Would NASSCO provide a future webinar on some of the emerging styrene treatment technologies, with more in-depth information?

NASSCO’s Technical Advisory Council Webinar on remaining useful life of gravity pipe assets.

Is there documentation from a reputable source indicating the frequency at which municipalities or “owners” should conduct wastewater master plans?